AirBnb Rentals in NYC

The number on each circle indicates the average price in that area. Zoom in and out of the map, the average price displaying on circles will be recalculated and updated based on the houses the circle include. Hover over a circle to check its coverage.
The number on each pinpoint shows the rental price of individual house. You will find more pinpoints separated from their closest circles while you are zooming in. Click the pinpoint for the details of the house for rent.
Houses can be filtered by their first-4-digit zipcode.
This interactive map is built with leaflet, d3 and crossfilter.

First-4-digit zipcode (# of listings)


05010015020011231123: 24511221122: 21111211121: 13111201120: 11611101110: 8410001000: 4110011001: 2611691169: 10nannan: 1011411141: 610281028: 510031003: 410451045: 410301030: 310461046: 211001100: 211371137: 211421142: 211351135: 111361136: 111381138: 1

Map (Average rental by cluster)
